Thursday, July 28, 2011


Today, we are really crazy.
Our class ended at 12.45p.m.. After that, we went to PBL and watched shufang and boonyi practicing.
However, we started to "ki siao" with the webcam and took a lot of pictures which look really crazy and a bit insane. We played in the PBL since 3 until 5.30p.m. and laughed until stomachache.

ahhh.. shu fang ah!


chier yit XD

the normal us =D

At night, i went to the pasar malam at OUG with jassie, yeeyin, chier yit and weiming.
It was very hot there, and i felt tired and dizzy at there.
I bought a lot of things there, going to bankrupt very soon. However, i enjoyed "ki siao" with my friends around. PEACE =D
things i bought at pasar malam! =D

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