Saturday, April 30, 2011

When EOS is OVER!!!!!

after studying "hard" for two weeks, finally EOS ends!!
what do you think what will we do after the exam?

*photo from cheok cheok*


There were alot things that we did. Too many to write, so... XD
Anyways, PEEPS, enjoy your holiday!
And i shall see you next semester =D

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Engine Off!

Where is my passion to study?
The engine began to slow down since the second day and eventually it stopped.
I must be crazy d, how can i watch drama with the music played at the same time? And i didn't even realised it for 15 minutes.

Friday, April 22, 2011


nothing but this =(

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


My first post after a long long time~
Today was such a bad yet good day.
It rained as soon as i wanted to step out of the building but then i met my friend and he got an umbrella =)
The bad thing came to me again as i realised water was disconnected when i wanted to cook noodle as my lunch.
Luckily, the management was kind enough to reconnect it for me after i promised them i will ask the landlord to pay the maintenance fee or whatever. Therefore, my lunch which supposingly to be eaten at 4, i ate it 5.30pm which was then become my dinner. BAH!!!