Friday, December 25, 2009

Wedding Eve + Vivien's Birthday [wedding part 1]

On 22 December, there was a bbq party for the wedding eve of 4th uncle and birthday of aunty vivien. However, it did not look like a celebration but the party for our ownself, amongst the cousins. It was like we were back to our childhood when there was no laptop and internet. The party started when our manager, Jason, successfully, made the charcoal on fire.

The "butterman".

The birthday gurl -- vivien

jaden - szerlik - me - 没用仔

The most hardworking one.

"AHHHHH!!!! 姚金铃啊!!!"



group photo

siao kia-s did siao things.

zhenglik - me playing 3G while we just beside each other.

The unstoppable debate on 真爱 between zhenglik and cici.

The story ended by this photo.
The 没用仔 once again did stupid things.
He dropped the satay. HAIZ

1 comment:

chiechek said...

zhenglik always mo yong zai... XD